Let's see how to use Take photo action in an action chain.It's a mobile application, and let's assume that you want to take photo, while clicking on a button. We are going to use "Take Photo" action for this. I have a page with a button called "Take Photo" in it. Lets add an event for this button click. When you create an event an action chain is created. Go to the action chain, and drag and drop the "Take Photo" action You can change the source for the "Take Photo" action. It has options as "Camera","photoLibrary","savedPhotoAlbum". Let's go with "camera" option. Explore the other options and change as you need. This action returns the file path of the captured photo. You are free to play around with that file path. You can use it to show the captured image, or use it to process the image. We are going to use the filepath and show the image For that let us create ...