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Showing posts from July, 2018

Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service - Take photo action

Let's see how to use Take photo action in an action chain.It's a mobile application, and let's assume that you want to take photo, while clicking on a button. We are going to use "Take Photo" action for this. I have a page with a button called "Take Photo" in it. Lets add an event for this button click. When you create an event an action chain is created. Go to the action chain, and drag and drop the "Take Photo" action You can change the source for the "Take Photo" action. It has options as "Camera","photoLibrary","savedPhotoAlbum". Let's go with "camera" option. Explore the other options and change as you need. This action returns the file path of the captured photo. You are free to play around with that file path. You can use it to show the captured image, or use it to process the image. We are going to use the filepath and show the image For that let us create ...

Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service- How to change Menu button icon in a mobile application

Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service . Let's see how to to change the menu button icon in a mobile application in Oracle VBCS Assuming that you have an application and have added a menu button in your page. The default menu button will look like below when Menu Button is configured with icons. Now how to change this icon to a hamburger 3 line menu icon ? Many elements support defining style class for startIcon and endIcon slots. <oj-menu-button> have startIcon, endIcon slots Reference for this can be found here. So we are going to use endIcon slot, as the arrow icon sits in endIcon slot. We need to give a style class here in the place of "myIconClass". Oracle JET provides many framework icons. Reference for that can be found here We are going to...

Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service- How to use switch case in action chain

Lets quickly see, how to use a switch case in action chain Consider that we are going to have a menu with items saying "Create Note", "Export Notes","More Settings". When each menu item is clicked or chosen, we need to do certain action / action chain. For this, first let's create a page and drag and drop the "Menu Button". When you drop it in the title secion you will get options to choose where you want to place the menu "startControl","endControl","Default". Let's choose it as end control to place it at the end of the title bar. In the page structure choose the "Menu" and go the "Data" tab. Add and Edit the menu items (oj-option). here we have the menu item id's ad "newNote","export","settings" When the menu is selected we need to do some action. For that we need to map an action to the menu. In the page structure choose the "Menu...

Oracle ADF - Simple Progress indicator or show loading image in custom typeahead / autosuggest

In the last blog Custom Autosuggest / typeahead we saw how to construct a custom typeahead / autosuggest using an input text box and a popup with select items. If the list to be filtered is smaller we wouldn't need to show a loading symbol to the user, while doing the filter process in the backing bean. But what if the the list too big to filter and the filtering process would take some time like 3 to 4 seconds. Or what if the result of search need to be fetched from an external rest end point or from an external soap service ? It would take some considerable amount of time to fetch the data. User's expect some quick response from the page, when they try to do something. So it's better to show them that the process is happening at the back end. A simple way to do that is to have loading gif image ready, and show it when the popup opens and before triggering the server event to filter the list. Once the filtered items are ready and about to be returned to the client then ...

Oracble Visual Builder Cloud Service - Mobile application - Not opening in mobile. Gives blank screen

Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (Oracle VBCS) : I came across a situation, with the mobile application that I developed using oracle visual builder cloud service. Once I developed the mobile application,I got the apk file after android build. I installed in my mobile (having android verion 5). It opened properly without any problem. Before the application opens, it will redirect to the default vbcs authentication page. Everything went fine. Later I wanted to do factory reset in my mobile to make it as a brand new one.I did factory reset, then installed my mobile application. Now when I launch the application, it opens with a blank screen and it does not redirect to the visual builder authentication page. What cloud be wrong here?. Before factory rest, I used "Oracle Max" app. So I wanted to to know whether that application opens properly after factory reset.  But that application also did not open and just stuck with a white blank screen. Now I tried installing ...

Custom Typeahead / autosuggest Search in ADF

For custom type ahead search there are many different solutions available out there. We can choose depending on what we are looking for. Let me first describe my use case. My autosuggest/typeahead search should show the filtered list of items once I entered the search text(This is the basic requirement, that can be achieved easily with the readily available autosuggest in ADF). When I select one item from the list, I should be able to get the selected item along with all additional information like id,name,date etc, instead of getting only id or name. The normal autosuggest solution given by Frank Nimphius available here This one can do the basic autosuggest which can give the selected item's id and label. But what If you need to have access to addition information, while selecting one of the item from the list, like city ,country,department..etc. So I have customized the solution provided by Fr...