Lets see how to style af:dialog in oracle adf. We usually use dialog within a popup. The default dialog without any style looks like below in alta skin If you want to play with the styles of dialog to make it as a plain dialog without header and footer, you can use the component level selectors like below af|dialog{ background-color: #454d54; border:none ; } af|dialog::header-start,af|dialog::header-end,af|dialog::header,af|dialog::footer-start,af|dialog::footer-end,af|dialog::footer{ display:none; } af|dialog::content,af|dialog::content-start,af|dialog::content-end{ border-top:none; } you can use these selectors according to your need with the above styles the dialog would look like below In addition to the css above, i have updated few things in the jspx page to make it look better with buttons aligned and form aligned to the center along with some styles for the buttons (style for buttons can be found he...
How to style a commandButton in Oracle ADF Normally buttons looks like below in the alta-ui skin If you want to style your button to look like bootstap buttons (most of the morder sites use bootstrap like buttons nowadays), you can use component selectors to skin af:commandButton component. Example style classes are below /***************** Button style start **********/ af|commandButton.success{ background-color: #4dbd74; background-image: none; border-radius : 5px; border : 1px solid #3ea863; color: white; text-shadow : none; } af|commandButton.success:hover{ background-color: #3ea863; background-image: none; border-radius : 5px; border : 1px solid #3ea863; color: white; text-shadow : none; } af|commandButton.warning{ background-color: #ffc107; background-im...